Riding a Mastodon

I rolled out a vanity Mastodon instance a week ago (as of writing this) so I could get in on the Fediverse experience and start distancing myself from the bird site. It’s been an interesting week as it goes, so here’s some notes I’ve collected.

Mastodon has a pretty distinct “feel” compared to Twitter.

Especially right now, going through Mastodon is a lot more like being new at a newish community meeting spot than anything else. There’s a lot of introductions and people trying to find their people and trying to figure out how to work things, and there’s a lot less people - it’s more like the party is just starting to crest over, compared to Twitter’s already in the deep end and getting deeper. It definitely still feels nicer and more civil, for now at least.

Visibility is a lot different.

I used the Fedifinder tool from @Luca@vis.social and that.. really didn’t help a whole lot! Turns out a lot of my followers don’t have the Mastodon handles in their bios, so it found like 5 (and hasn’t found any more since then). It may work better for you. Mostly, I’ve found people I’d like to continue following from Twitter by virtue of the fact that I’m following them on Twitter and they’ve posted their Mastodon handles there.

However, there’s some other things that I’ve been doing to find folks:

  • Hashtags help a lot. Especially a few that are interesting - for me, that’s #introduction, #highered, #edtech, stuff like that.
    • I wish there was a way to follow these tags - none of the clients I’ve used so far seem to do that. Updated: Server v4 will do this!
  • Looking through the instance list. I can find instances that are generally geared towards my interests and then go looking through their member directory to see if I can find folks to follow. This doesn’t work so much for the huge general purpose instances like mstdn or the official(?) Mastodon instance but for ones like the already mentioned vis.social or like mastodon.art, it can be pretty nice.
  • Looking through other sites. For example, I’m on MetaFilter, so I added my Mastodon handle to my profile there and I can look up a list of other folks that have handles too.
  • The federated timeline helps, of course, but I have more to say about that later.

But, there’s some caveats too. Because everything is spread out, it’s sometimes hard to see content. I’ve kinda blindly followed a few people because their bio is interesting or they’re part of another account, but I wasn’t able to see anything they’d posted because their last post was too old to hit whatever upper bound my instance or client has. It’s also sometimes kinda frustrating to really not have an effective firehose (but that’s also sorta nice too).

Choosing an instance to be on can be easy!

You can mostly just search around and find an instance that is geared towards your interests (or a portion of them) and see if you like the vibe, and then (try to) join it. There are some more general instances too, but a lot of them have turned off signups for now because of the exodus from Twitter.

..but it’s sometimes not easy

And that’s why I fired up my own instance - I didn’t really feel like I fit in with the instances I had short-listed enough to want to sign up for an account on any of them. So, I used the one-click installer on DigitalOcean to get my own vanity instance set up. This is a most decidedly user hostile way to go - I found it to be pretty easy but I’ve been running Internet-connected servers for 20+ years; if you’re not a tech folk then this is much less of an option.

However, one thing I have learned is that migrating between instances is pretty easy. There’s just a button and it’ll move your account settings (including followers) to a new account if you want to do that, even across instances. Your history doesn’t move, but it does stay wherever you were. So, that takes some of the anxiety out of the choosing process.

Maybe don’t run your own instance?

I’ve done it and I plan on sticking with it now, but there were a couple of things I’d wish I’d known about it beforehand.

  • Visibility: I said earlier that it’s a lot different but it’s even more differenter if you’ve started up your own instance, because they don’t come federated out of the box. In other words, you’re staring a blank page until it knows about other servers. This is pretty quickly resolved - as you follow people, your instance will start gathering toots from their instances - but it’s a little discouraging to begin with. I also worried a bit about whether or not anything I was posting was making it out of my bubble, which it probably wasn’t until I started following people.
  • Sizing: The one-click DigitalOcean installer doesn’t give you a sizing guide and neither do the official server docs (or I never saw one, at least) but you probably need to sock more resources at the thing than you may think. I thought I was going to be ok with a 2 vCPU, 4GB, 25GB disk instance and, well, no; it’s fallen over and died a couple times.
    • Sidekiq logs to syslog, which is fine, but Ubuntu 18.04 defaults to rolling that log daily, and it’s by default really really chatty. Like, it fell over the first time because I had 14GB of just /var/log/syslog after a couple days. I changed the settings to roll the logs every 3GB, and moved the cron runner script to run hourly, and I resized the machine to a 60GB instance to get back into the system.
    • It ran out of memory! I haven’t actually fixed this yet - I added an 8GB swapfile. But, Mastodon really needs 6GB of memory. It’s holding tight at 5 and change now for my tiny instance.
    • So, my recommendation would be at least 2 vCPUs, at least 40GB disk, and 6GB RAM, and make sure you set up object storage (S3 or alike) if you’re going to post a lot of media. Then, make sure you make the logging changes I mentioned. If you don’t want to do any of that, then maybe do 100 GB of disk or more.
    • Update: I ended up with a 4 vCPU server, 8GB RAM and 80GB disk, and that seems to be pretty good for now. The CPUs are mostly idle at this point - I added them to help drain the message queue. That took a few hours; my Sidekiq queue was at about 100K jobs backlogged. After some further looking, it appears the DigitalOcean one-click installer installs a pretty old version of the server too (3.1.3 vs. 3.5.3 that’s out now) so now I get to figure out how to update it (on top of the other learning how to admin a Ruby app things). Nothing more fun than performing umpteen point upgrades for something…

My instance specifically is as it ships, except I did turn on ElasticSearch for full-text searching, and I’ve added about 7 relays into it. (I think the relays are really the problem with regard to logging. It’s just a lot more jobs that get scheduled into Sidekiq.)

Speaking of relays, I added a handful of relays off of this list to my instance, and now I’m going to clear out a few of them. Relays help shuttle a bunch of toots to your instance, so your federated timeline is more “fleshed out” and your posts get to more places faster, but you should be somewhat judicious about this. Most of them give you a list of instances they know about if you just go to the relay’s root page, and that’s useful for seeing what kind of content will be relayed to you. In my case, I added too many; my federated feed has a lot of just sort of random stuff in it now. (I added a relay in Japan and half of it is Japanese now.) If you’re running a vanity instance like mine, maybe just having a couple relays would be a good idea. You don’t specifically need them.

It’s pretty interesting and fun, though

It doesn’t replace Twitter for me - all the local news stuff, sports-specific stuff, and complaining about service stuff is just about non-existant on Mastodon right now. But, it’s pretty fun to be on and to keep up with. And, it’s a lot slower, so it’s easier to catch up on and then be done with. (And there’s a lot less yelling. I signed up for some of that yelling, but it’s nice to have it in a separate place.) I recommend it - it is a lot more work to use and get into than Twitter, but it’s pretty worth it. I liked it enough to sign up for a blue checkmark the Patreon for the developers.

At some point I’ll swap the Twitter box on the right for a Mastodon box, and at some point I might cross-post things from Mastodon to here, or vice versa, or also to Instagram. (My ever growing cache of cat pictures could use a less Facebooky home.)

If you want to find me on the Mastodon, I’m @james@kachel.social.

Some More Information For Y'all

Hi, I'm James. Some people call me 'murgee'.

I'm a web developer, general computer nerd, and music geek based in Memphis, TN.

This blog is powered by Hexo, Bootstrap, and coffee. Hosting by DigitalOcean (referral). Fonts by Google Fonts.

Background image: unsplash-logoTara Evans

Because I have to: unless otherwise noted, © 2019-2023 James Kachel.

The Socials

Social media links and stuff:

The Toot Machine

Coming soon! Until then, you can click here to see my timeline.